Pre-conference expert debate: The cost of D&I ignorance, and why it’s not about HR only.

Ahead of our 1-3 December conference, we give you two crispy expert debates with people who represent D&I theory and implementation at its most impactful. And we start with a fundamental question: Can businesses afford to ignore D&I?

The short answer is: sure they can, as long as they are prepared to accept the costs and the consequences of this approach. We will talk about the real difference between those who feel passionately that a sound D&I policy in place is a must have and those who put superficial D&I measures in place driven by PR risk-management above all else.

And here’s our carefully selected panel of experts:


  • Susanna Romantsova – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Leader, IKEA Poland
  • Sandra Subel – Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Ringier Axel Springer Polska
  • Monika Jankowska-Rangelov – EMEA Head Inclusion Diversity and Equity, State Street Bank Polska
  • Anna Zaroda-Dąbrowska – CEO, Diversity Hub

Moderator: Łukasz Cioch

And one last thing: joining our debates (and the conference itself) is free of charge! All you need to do is register and become part of a very important conversation of our age.

Visit our page and join the event:

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