D&I Changemakers Conference 2021

1 – 3 December 2021

D&I Changemakers Conference 2021

For the past 6 years, we have been setting the trends and sharing best-practice under the D&I Changemakers brand. We stand for premium knowledge, fresh inspirations and insightful forecasts based on research and practical experience.Clear, well-presented and inspiring content are among our event’s key advantages.

What’s the future of D&I and is it heading in the right direction? Take part in this year’s conference and find the answer with us!

The most important topics which will be discussed:

  • The Bigger Picture -> D&I out of HR – a wider perspective on D&I, breaking with the myth of „D&I = HR project”, D&I in our products, services, marketing, legal, etc.
  • Systemic approach – strategies, organized activities, D&I management structures
  • D&I challenges – greenwashing, “difficult” sectors/businesses, uncommon perspectives, unsolved cases, resistance, internal barriers, no-win situations
  • Mental health and D&I – responsibility for mental health, limits to support, instrumentalization of mental health support, conflict between individual and company goals.

Our event is dedicated to top managers, D&I Experts and Managers, HR Managers, ERGs’ leaders and researchers. Conference has always been and still is non-profit and free-of-charge for all participants.

More information and registration here: https://changemakers2021.diversityhub.org/

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