Our Services

DEI interventions and consultancy

We consult and resolve crisis situations related to DEI. We conduct expert interventions in difficult situations.

We conduct expert interventions in challenging situations related to DEI (including legal aspects).

We provide legal, psychological, and mediation advisory services in crisis situations arising from DEI issues.

  • Conflict resolution assistance: we help you resolve issues and challenges stemming from DEI areas such as team conflicts, discrimination, bullying, and psychological crises.

  • Professional legal assistance: Our strategic partner is the renowned law firm BKB Baran Książek Bigaj, specializing in labor law and social insurance.

  • Professional psychological assistance: Our strategic partners are leading organizations in Poland specializing in interventions related to mental health – Mental Health Center and Mental Health Helpline.

Our advantages

Why should you trust us?

We are backed by numbers and experience… and above all, by people.

50 interventions per year

Each year, we conduct over 50 interventions and provide fast-track advisory support in challenging situations – for boards, D&I Managers, Compliance, and Legal.”

Full range

We resolve legal issues (discrimination, bullying, unequal treatment), issues related to process/functionality, interpersonal problems and conflicts, and issues related to mental health (including, for example, the death of an employee).

We help grow your business through diversity.

Benefit from our advisory services, events, and trainings. If you’re unsure where to start, let’s talk.