
Meetings, conferences, recurring meet-ups, and other DEI-related events

DEI is primarily about shared experiences. See where we can meet.

Upcoming events

See the details of upcoming events and register using the registration form.

Recurring events

Diversity Hub Breakfasts

Diversity Hub breakfasts are a series of educational and networking meetings in collaboration with our business partners.

We discuss and learn from each other. Here, the voice of the expert
meets the voice of business. We strengthen the business community in the DEI area through collaborative problem-solving and sharing
best practices.

Online events

DEI Expert Insights Webinars

Each month, our experts meet with you online to discuss topics that pose challenges for businesses.

We share what we know and see on the topic. We connect the dots. Our open webinars are a great investment of an hour in your calendar!

We solve problems

Task Forces

During our Task Force working group meetings, we collaboratively analyze the most critical needs, develop solutions, and create recommendations.

We stay close to our Clients and Partners to support the development of individuals within the DEI ecosystem who are engaged in creating inclusive workplaces. We observe emerging trends and monitor weak signals of change to help you respond to current DEI challenges.

Free Trainings

Open Trainings

Each year, we offer a range of free activities to support the development of individuals within the DEI ecosystem who are engaged in creating inclusive workplaces.

Within our extensive community, we build an environment of mutual support, benchmarking, and developing and testing new solutions. This is made possible, among other things, by our extensive network of partnerships and the execution of various projects funded by external sources, which you can get involved in.

What do we do?

DI Changemakers Conference – the 9th edition is ahead of us!

The largest and most important DEI conference for business in Central and Eastern Europe.

  • We are approaching the ninth edition of the conference in its entirety
    dedicated to DEI topics, from a systemic perspective.
  • We discuss DEI candidly, explore effective business practices, review case studies, and learn from each other.
  • This is an event where the stage is fully dominated by DEI professionals,
    experts, and practitioners.
  • Each year, we grow stronger and expand our reach. In 2023,
    approximately 3,000 participants registered for the conference.
    We had representation from over 1,000 companies, 53 speakers, and more than 40 inspiring thematic sessions.
    SEE THE 2023 RECAP and recordings of presentations from previous editions of the conference. Check it out now.
We help grow your business through diversity.

Benefit from our advisory services, events, and trainings.  If you’re unsure where to start, let’s talk.