our services
We help you achieve the results
We think about DEI in an integrated way and design solutions accordingly. We understand business. We rely on data.
About us
Diversity Hub – why it’s worth working with us?
We have comprehensive knowledge, we inspire, and navigate through change.
We are leaders in the DEI field.
We can address multifaceted challenges.
We operate systematically, synergistically, and strategically.
Our solutions will support you at every stage of DEI development in your organization.
We deliver knowledge, experience, and best practices
Our business experience, expert knowledge, and research capabilities help you effectively manage DEI in your organization.

Change with us is effective and safe.
Building a DEI culture is a significant endeavor, but we’ll help you take meaningful and effective steps without revolution.
“TOGETHER” is our core value
We ensure that everyone can find a space in Diversity Hub for open conversation, inspiration, knowledge exchange, and sharing experiences.
We create a shared, open space
We create a collaboration platform, build a learning community, and integrate the environment.
Key initiatives of Diversity Hub
We gather an active community of experts and practitioners. We meet, exchange experiences, and learn from each other. Join our initiatives.
Our mission
D&I Changemakers Conference 2024
The largest and most important DEI conference for business in Central and Eastern Europe!
Another ninth edition of the conference entirely devoted to the topic of diversity and inclusiveness in a systemic perspective is behind us. This event is where professionals and practitioners of DEI take center stage.
Diversity Hub Breakfasts
Diversity Hub Breakfasts are a series of educational and networking meetings in collaboration with our business Partners. We discuss and learn from each other. Here, the expert’s voice meets the business voice. We strengthen the business community in the DEI area through collaborative problem-solving and sharing best practices.

Individuals with disabilities in the workplace
A project aimed at creating a professional environment where every employee, regardless of their abilities and capabilities, can play an active role. We focus on creating an inclusive environment where individuals with various types of disabilities have the opportunity for full participation and professional development.

Knowledge, tools, and best practices
For us, DEI is a competency. With us, you can know more, understand better, and act more effectively.

[EN] The Essentials of Diversity & Inclusion Manag…
Książka jest zbiorem artykułów opublikowanych przez ekspertów Diversity Hub. Nie jest to przewodnik – zamiast tego chcieliśmy, aby był czymś, co zainspiruje Cię i pokaże konkretne rozwiązania oparte na rzeczywistych doświadczeniach w świecie biznesu. Publikacja jest dostępna w języku angielskim.

[EN] ERG Playbook
Jak założyć i skutecznie zarządzać ERG?
Jesteś nowym liderem ERG na początku swojej drogi? A może planujesz założyć sieć pracowników? Ten podręcznik poprowadzi Cię przez wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć, aby przygotować swoją grupę do sukcesu. Publikacja jest dostępna w języku angielskim.