Our Services

Developing DEI strategies and action plans

We will help you systematically align your DEI efforts with your business goals.

We will find the way to achieve your DEI goals by developing a strategy, action plan, and roadmap.

We support in creating DEI strategies and action plans based on evidence-based analysis of your organization’s DEI maturity, while aligning with your business goals. Then we assist in implementing them.

  • Support at every level: we work with organizations that are just planning systemic DEI initiatives as well as those more experienced ones looking to strengthen their efforts.
  • Comprehensive approach: we develop both holistic strategies and local action plans or roadmaps for selected areas (e.g., gender balance, disability, age).

  • Professional legal assistance: together with the renowned law firm BKB Baran Książek Bigaj, we develop anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.

Our advantages

Why should you trust us?

We are backed by numbers and experience… and above all, by people.

30+ scans

We have conducted over 30 DEI studies and scans,
resulting in the development of comprehensive strategies
and DEI action plans.

Full range

We have developed and implemented strategies in companies for disability inclusion, gender balance, increasing women’s employment in IT, intergenerational cooperation, refugee integration and employment, as well as anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.

We help grow your business through diversity.

Benefit from our advisory services, events, and trainings. If you’re unsure where to start, let’s talk.