Think tank Diversity Hub

Human is at our center

This is our mission and work philosophy. It seems simple, but it is not at all when we want to combine human needs with business needs. We are effectively taking on this challenge.

Key Actions

We solve employers’ problems in the area of DEI.

We specialize in diversity management and building an inclusive workplace (culture of inclusion).

We solve specific problems for employers in the DEI area with attention to the context of the organization and the safety and comfort of people.

We bring together experts

We promote and disseminate the idea of diversity management in business

We provide practical and effective solutions and develop best market practices.

We create our own innovative solutions to improve the implementation of diversity and inclusivity management in organizations. Our team consists of male and female experts who understand the challenges of modern business.

Broad Collaboration

We integrate a network of experts around the idea of diversity

We create a space for open debate on topics related to diversity and inclusion.

We integrate representatives from diverse backgrounds: scholars and practitioners, including business and business environment representatives, public institutions, and media. We juxtapose different approaches to the topic and pose controversial questions. We are not afraid to answer them.

We collaborate with partners from many European countries. As a result, we are improving the quality of our services and the scalability of our solutions.

We help you grow your business through diversity

Check out our portfolio of services and projects. If you don’t know where to start, let’s just talk.


Meet the people behind Diversity Hub

Team members, experts, friends, and acquaintances. Together, we create the Diversity Hub space.

Inwestując w różnorodność w miejscu pracy rozwijasz swoją firmę, ale też masz wpływ na zmianę społeczną w szerszym rozumieniu.

dr Tomasz Dąbrowski

Inicjator i Viceprezes Diversity Hub


Strategic Partners

We collaborate with numerous entities from Poland and around the world.


Our Clients

We are proud of these long-standing and quite fresh partnerships.